Hallmark is Giving Away 1 Million Cards to Send to Friends and Family in Need #Inspiration #Journey

Do you have a grandmother or great aunt or worried neighbor who could use some encouragement during these troubled times?

Is there someone who has been on your mind lately that could use a boost?

Send them a card!

Don’t have one? Hallmark is giving away three cards absolutely free for the first 333,333 people who request one for a total of 1,000,000 cards!

Send a card to that old friend or mentor who is holed up inside missing human contact. Get the kids involved too! Have them draw a picture, sign their own name in crayon, or even write the card themselves if they are able. It would be like homeschool right?

My house has up to six people in it on a regular basis but I still miss seeing my co-workers, my book club, and my church friends.

Going to the grocery store nowadays doesn’t help. The people you do see are terrified strangers!

Go get the cards via this link.


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