Art Projects with Kids #Homeschool #Quarantine

Collaborative Drawings

Whenever I am able and the kids are interested, I like to engage the kids imagination and creativity in “art projects.”

The kids and I made some collaborative drawings where each of us got an opportunity to add to the picture.

I started by drawing an outline of an animal’s body and then it was passed to the next person to add stripes or a head(s) or feet or fur or a landscape background.

Above were two of our pictures we made. There are no rules. Just use your imagination and create.

I plan to post some of our results here throughout the week.

What are you doing with your kids to help them grow their imaginations and engage their minds?

Let me know in the comments below.

– Jason


  1. Good idea. I’ve been making videos of myself reading to the little ones, and creating colouring pages, and researching lessons. Trying to help out my adult children. FaceTime helps a lot. Still, being home all day with young ones and trying to work from home is a challenge.

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