2,000 Followers! Thank You!


The same day I celebrate my one-year anniversary of this blog, “Poems for Warriors,” I also get to celebrate reaching 2,000 followers!

Thank you all! Thank you for your reads, your likes, and your comments especially. I love to hear from you. I love reading what you are working on and in a small way being a part of your life.

Thank you for stopping by as frequently as you do. Thank you for re-blogging my poems and posts that you love. Thank you for your ceaseless encouragement.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

– Jason


  1. Wow, Jason! Congratulations on the big milestones. Itā€™s nice to know youā€™ve been able to touch so many with your words and your heart. Itā€™s a good reminder, isnā€™t it, that your heartache hasnā€™t been for nothing. It has been put to good use and has very likely become a wonderful healing experience for so many others. You should be very proud. xx

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